For temporary relief of tiredness, weakness, general fatigue, exhaustion, weakness of memory. Immune defense mechanism against stress.
Contents: Thiamine 4x, Ribo. 4x, Ascorb. 4x, Van. 12x, Molyb. 12x, Cup-gluc 12x, Sel. 12x, Adrenal 5x, Thyroid 5x, ATP 30x, Ph-ac. 12x, Sep. 12x, Iod. 12x, Pic-ac. 12x, Gota Kola 3x, Caps. 3x, Avena Sativa 3x, Ginkgo 3x, Aralia Quin 3x, Ledum 12x, Natrum c 12x, Glycy 3x, Spleen 5x.