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Neurotox 2oz

Neurotox 2oz

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Agaricus Musc 12X, Coccus 12X, Conium 12X, Lycopodium 12X, Phos 12X, Heavy Metal Isodes 12X, 30X, Addisodes 30X, Epstein Barr Virus Nosode 30X, Gelsemium 30X, Influenzinum 30X, Latrodectus Mactans 30X, Morbillinum 30X, Poliomyetilis Nosode 30X, Rhus Tox 30X, Tarentula Cub 30X, Bacterial Nosodes 1* 30X, 60X, Salmonella Typhi Nosode 33X, Lanthanum Metallicum 14C, Clostridium Perfringens 15C, 30C, Niobium Metallicum 30C, Tantalum Metallicum 30C, Demineralized Water, 25% Ethanol.
Indications: For temporary relief of symptoms due to dizziness when riding or sitting, weak memory, feeling indirrerent or confused.
Suggested dosage: 10-15 drops 3x per day